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Sex Therapy and Relationship Coaching

Sex Therapy and Relationship Coaching

sreda, 28. oktober 2015/Kategorije: Pari, Sex Therapy and Relationship Coaching/Število ogledov (7669)

We can help you have it all – open, communicative and balanced relationships in combination with passionate, fulfilling sexual connections. So often we see women settling and shutting down or men going through their “mid-life crises,” because there is no room in the relationship for growth, change and an ongoing exploration of the mysteries of sex and love.

In our Sex Therapy and Relationship Coaching practice we see couples who are deeply entrenched in their Relationship Vortex: where they are constantly, but unconsciously, stepping on each others’ deepest wounds. We help them resolve the vortex and increase intimacy so they can have a strong relationship foundation. In addition, we work with couples who have different desires, who are experiencing sexless marriages, or who want to find new and exciting ways to enhance their sex lives. You can start your journey now!

Create a Strong Relationship Foundation

Take a moment and let yourself connect with how you want to feel in your relationship. Feel the desire to be loved, appreciated, accepted, desired, supported, sexually satisfied, received, safe, choiceful, valued, seen and celebrated. While we are told constantly by fairy tales, hollywood and porn, that these things are just supposed to come to us because we fall in love, the truth is relationships require conscious attention and nurturing.

Our experiential, empathy-based, and body-based sex therapy and relationship coaching help couples attend to their relationship in a way that increases intimacy, communication, desire and pleasure. When it comes to the relationship vortex, we help you see the forest AND the trees, so you can experience the growth and healing that a relationship has the potential to provide. We help you move through the ups and downs of relationships while staying loving, engaged and connected. If you are both committed and learn to use all of your resources, you would be amazed at what is possible!

Bridge Differing Desires

Oftentimes, when two people first make a commitment to each other, they are in the midst of the honeymoon period, where both people feel that the other wants everything they want and has everything they need. As they learn more about each other, they find that there are differences in desires, both inside and outside of the bedroom. These can be as simple as what kind of movies they want to watch and as complex as one partner wanting monogamy and the other wanting an open relationship. Whether they are simple or complex, if unaddressed, they can have very dire consequences for the relationship. In Somatica coaching sessions, we focus on acceptance and empathy to help couples negotiate through these differing desires so that each partner can be heard and fully received. You can begin to create an agreement that works for both of you and the relationship right now.

Revitalize Your Sexless (or low-sex) Marriage or Relationship

In long-term relationships, sex can end up on the back burner, behind work, children and the daily chores of living so that a couple ends up having very little sex. In some relationships, couples stop having sex altogether. Unless both partners are completely happy with this arrangement, sexless or low-sex marriages can lead to deep resentment, distance, cheating, and even break-ups and divorce. While good communication or therapy can often help resolve relationship issues, these are usually not enough to get couples to feel desire for one another again or to come up with creative solutions to their sexless relationship. Our experiential Somatica method of sex and relationship coaching helps couples practice the tools that are most important to passion and desire right there in session, creating the greatest likelihood for change. And we help you understand that good sex requires more than just good communication – it requires creativity, bravery and playfulness to create a relationship where seduction, passion and desire can grow and thrive. Start this passionate journey now!

Recover from an Affair

Secret affairs can be extremely painful because your partner, in whom you’ve invested so much trust, has lied to you and broken an agreement. At the same time, if you want to recover from an affair, it will not help to think of one of you as the helpless victim and the other as the evil perpetrator. Once an affair has been discovered or confessed, you will both need to decide if you want to face the process of looking at the issues in the relationship (and the affair as a symptom of these issues) rather than labeling the person who had the affair the cause of the problem. If you decide you want to face it together, learn more about how Sex Therapy and Relationship Coaching can help you recover from an affair.

In couple’s sex therapy and relationship coaching sessions:

We will begin with where you are in your relationship from learning and mastering empathetic communication to bridging different desires and addressing sexual challenges and their emotional consequences.
You will:

  • Explore your hottest sexual movies
  • Communicate your needs and desires
  • Navigate challenging relationship or sexual issues with love and empathy
  • Learn the unique language of sex
  • Explore different seduction styles to create a passionate erotic connection



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Več izjav

Seksualnost je kot prelepa rastlina z občudovanja vrednimi cvetovi. Če imamo radi to rastlino in jo negujemo in ji dajemo dovolj hrane, vode in sonca, potem uspeva in požene mnogo razkošnih cvetov. Če pa zanjo ne skrbimo. Se posuši...Izvedite več