Za dobre nasvete in terapijo s področja spolnosti skrbi priznana izkušena seksologinja in psihoterapevtka Vesna Jarc. Naročite se na posvet že danes...
It’s true – the number one sexual complaint among women is low sexual desire. There are many reasons why women suffer from low sexual desire,...
Studies have shown that the number one sexual complaint of women across the U.S. is low sexual desire (low libido). For the next few posts, we...
Women – your libido is tied to shifts in hormones and energy throughout your day, throughout your monthly cycle and throughout your lifetime. In...
Women, do you know what men do so much better than us overall? They shut out the rest of the world when it is time for sex! We women, on the other...
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Seksualnost je kot prelepa rastlina z občudovanja vrednimi cvetovi. Če imamo radi to rastlino in jo negujemo in ji dajemo dovolj hrane, vode in sonca, potem uspeva in požene mnogo razkošnih cvetov. Če pa zanjo ne skrbimo. Se posuši...Izvedite več