Za dobre nasvete in terapijo s področja spolnosti skrbi priznana izkušena seksologinja in psihoterapevtka Vesna Jarc. Naročite se na posvet že danes...
The path to erotic empowerment and success in seducing, dating and relating to women begins with you. Before you can connect with a woman, you...
When we think of men’s mid-life crises, what often comes to mind is a 40+ year old man in a red, shiny hot-rod running off with some younger woman...
One of the main reasons we see men experiencing low desire that is talked about in the article is the fear that they won’t be able to perform....
If we were to hazard a guess, we would say that about 90% of women don’t find penis size to be that important. The other 10% of women, the ones we...
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Seksualnost je kot prelepa rastlina z občudovanja vrednimi cvetovi. Če imamo radi to rastlino in jo negujemo in ji dajemo dovolj hrane, vode in sonca, potem uspeva in požene mnogo razkošnih cvetov. Če pa zanjo ne skrbimo. Se posuši...Izvedite več