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The Mars & Venus Diet & Exercise Solution: Create the Brain Chemistry

The Mars & Venus Diet & Exercise Solution: Create the Brain Chemistry

ponedeljek, 14. december 2015/Kategorije: Priporočene knjige/Število ogledov (818)

John Gray has taught men and women how to embrace their differences to build strong, loving relationships in his groundbreaking book, Men Are From Mars, Women Are from Venus, and eleven other bestsellers,  now turns to diet and exercise as a source of well-being and harmony.  This practical guide reveals how diet, exercise, and communication skills combine to affect the production of healthy brain chemicals.  

The Mars and Venus Diet and Exercise Solution addresses the unique needs of men and women. With great insight and vision, John Gray examines the different emotional issues that govern mood, motivation, and passion in men and women.  He goes on to explore how men and women lose weight differently and provides effective tools to elimiate addictions and food cravings. 

The program focuses on:

  • Relationship and communication issues that affect hormonal and brain chemistry balance
  • Nutritional supplementation for increasing physical, mental and emotional well-being
  • Gender-specific diet, nutrition, and weight management
  • Essential physical exercises for stimulating the lymph system, endocrine system, cerebral spinal fluid, and brain system
  • Stress and mood management for a longer, healthier, and happier life

John Gray has been working with specialists for the last thirty years to develop this program, which he designed to be effortless and adaptable to any lifestyle.  By applying The Mars and Venus Diet and Exercise Solution, you will crease the brain chemistry of health, happiness, and lasting romance.  




Za dobre nasvete in terapijo s področja spolnosti skrbi priznana izkušena seksologinja in psihoterapevtka Vesna Jarc. Naročite se na posvet že danes...


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Seksualnost je kot prelepa rastlina z občudovanja vrednimi cvetovi. Če imamo radi to rastlino in jo negujemo in ji dajemo dovolj hrane, vode in sonca, potem uspeva in požene mnogo razkošnih cvetov. Če pa zanjo ne skrbimo. Se posuši...Izvedite več



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