Even if you are dating a professional psychic, they will not be able to predict all of your sexual and emotional needs, especially as they shift and change over time. The idea that “If they loved me, they would know what I want” is one of the most harmful romantic myths actively circulating. It is fed by the unfounded belief that, if you have truly found “the one,” they will know exactly what you want all the time without your having to tell them is one of the most toxic ideas we hold on to.
While we discussed this damaging myth in an earlier post on teaching people how to love you, we believe it bears repeating here. As we said, your needs are different than your partners and they change throughout your life. You might think it is a good idea to show your sweetheart you love them by offering what to you feels like love instead of by asking what they want. You might also wait around patiently, then impatiently, then angrily and resentfully, wishing your partner would give you what you want without your having to ask.
No in-depth dating profile or matching algorithm can take the place of actually telling your partner what turns you on and makes you feel loved. At the beginning of a relationship many people are actively looking for the good in their partner which helps them feel like all of the pieces are miraculously falling into place, and their desires are being met, with ease and minimal processing. Even if you feel you have found your soulmate, they do not possess a crystal (or Magic 8) ball that can give them all of the answers.
To receive the kind of love you want and to give your partner the kind of love they want, you must kindly teach your partner how to love you and learn how to love them. While there are many wonderful people out there with whom you can have a great relationship, not one of them will know what you need all the time, or even enough of the time, without you having to communicate. Our clients are often surprised that these conversations can end up being sexy and exciting and can quickly transition to mind-blowing erotic experiences. We are not saying it is easy to rid yourself of these myths, but we can not stress enough the importance of showing up to your relationship ready to teach and learn.