Love requires celebration! Celebration can only happen when you slow down and take time out of your busy schedule to delight in your connection with yourself and your partner. We live in a world that rewards endless striving and encourages personal disastisfaction and judgment of yourself and others. This continual and endless grind towards improvement sets us up for stress and disappointment and does not foster loving acceptance. Celebration is about recognizing this moment and looking at everything that is wonderful and great and amazing about yourself, your partner and your connection right now. It means taking a breather and acknowledging how far you have come, and, if you REALLY take it seriously, it means living your life in the joy of celebration instead of the grind. In short, every day can be a celebration of love and life. If our saying that caused a spike of fear in your body and questions like, “If I take time and celebrate, will I ever be successful?” Our response to that is, “Will you ever feel a moment of success if you don’t take time and celebrate?” We invite you to think about it, create time to practice it, give us a call to talk about it and to create YOUR OWN PRIORITIES for you life and your love. Love requires celebration!